You are here: Foswiki>System Web>Category>UserDocumentationCategory>Macros>VarQUERY (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Uses the query syntax described in QuerySearch to get information about meta-data from one specified topic.
statements, FORMFIELD
macro for most applications. See QuerySearch for more details of how to write queries
Parameter | Description |
"item" | The meta-data to query |
style | set the output format (see below) |
rev | operate on the given version of the current topic. Note that this will only affect simple queries that refer to the current topic, such as . More complex queries that use searches or indirection to refer to other topics always use the latest version of those topics. |
Get the name of the form in the current topic: %QUERY{""}% Get the value of the 'Firstname' form field in the current topic: %QUERY{"fields[name='Firstname'].value"}% Get the value of the 'Firstname' form field in the current topic (shorthand version): %QUERY{"Firstname"}% Get a list of all the names of attachments on the topic 'System.DocumentGraphics': %QUERY{"'System.DocumentGraphics'/"}% Get configuration setting {NameFilter}: %QUERY{"{NameFilter}"}%
Plain strings (such as field values) are returned without quotes. Simple arrays of scalars are also returned without quotes, in a comma-separated list (beware of values that contain commas!).
More complex data structures (e.g. arrays of hashes) will only be returned if style="perl"
or style="json"
are set - else will return a string containing 'undef'.
You can make the macro generate different output formats using the style
- generates values as Perl code strings generated by running through CPAN:Data::Dumperstyle="json"
- generates values as JSON strings, suitable for reading by browsers. Only some configuration settings are available via QUERY: {AccessControlACL}{EnableDeprecatedEmptyDeny}
, {AccessibleCFG}
, {AdminUserLogin}
, {AdminUserWikiName}
, {AntiSpam}{EmailPadding}
, {AntiSpam}{EntityEncode}
, {AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails}
, {AntiSpam}{RobotsAreWelcome}
, {AttachmentNameFilter}
, {AuthRealm}
, {AuthScripts}
, {Cache}{Enabled}
, {DefaultDateFormat}
, {DefaultUrlHost}
, {DenyDotDotInclude}
, {DisplayTimeValues}
, {EnableEmail}
, {EnableHierarchicalWebs}
, {FormTypes}
, {HomeTopicName}
, {LeaseLength}
, {LeaseLengthLessForceful}
, {LinkProtocolPattern}
, {LocalSitePreferences}
, {LoginNameFilterIn}
, {MaxRevisionsInADiff}
, {MinPasswordLength}
, {NameFilter}
, {NotifyTopicName}
, {NumberOfRevisions}
, {PluginsOrder}
, {Plugins}{WebSearchPath}
, {PluralToSingular}
, {Register}{AllowLoginName}
, {Register}{Approvers}
, {Register}{DisablePasswordConfirmation}
, {Register}{EnableNewUserRegistration}
, {Register}{NeedApproval}
, {Register}{NeedVerification}
, {Register}{RegistrationAgentWikiName}
, {ReplaceIfEditedAgainWithin}
, {SandboxWebName}
, {ScriptSuffix}
, {ScriptUrlPath}
, {Site}{Locale}
, {SitePrefsTopicName}
, {Stats}{TopContrib}
, {Stats}{TopicName}
, {Stats}{TopViews}
, {SuperAdminGroup}
, {SystemWebName}
, {TemplateLogin}{AllowLoginUsingEmailAddress}
, {TemplatePath}
, {TrashWebName}
, {UploadFilter}
, {UseLocale}
, {UserInterfaceInternationalisation}
, {UsersTopicName}
, {UsersWebName}
, {Validation}{Method}
, {WebMasterEmail}
, {WebMasterName}
, {WebPrefsTopicName}
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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