You are here: Foswiki>System Web>Category>UserDocumentationCategory>Macros>VarFORMFIELD (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Parameter | Description | Default |
"name" | The name of a Data form field | |
topic="..." | Topic where form data is located. May be of the form Web.TopicName | Current topic |
format | Format string. See Tokens expanded in format below. | $value |
default | Text shown if the field is defined in the topic, but the field value is empty. For example, a text field for which all the content has been deleted. | |
alttext | Text shown if the field is not defined in the topic (even if it is specified in the form definition). For example, this is used when a field exists in the form definition, but the referring topic hasn't been edited since it was added. | |
rev="n" | Specify a revision of the topic. If not specified, defaults to the most recent rev (or the viewed rev if viewing an old rev of the same topic) |
Tokens expanded in format
expands to the raw field value $value(display)
is the form field value after mapping the stored value to the display value (use with +values
form fields). If the field type does not support value mapping, renders the same as $value
is the field name $title
expands to the field title $formname
gives the name of the form the field is in. $form
is maintained for compatibility, but is deprecated $attributes
- from the field definition $type
- from the field definition $size
- from the field definition $definingTopic
- topic in which the field is defined %FORMFIELD{"ProjectName" topic="Projects.SushiProject" default="(no project name given)" alttext="ProjectName field not found in form" }%
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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