You are here: Foswiki>System Web>JQueryPlugin>JQueryButton (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Author(s): Michael Daum
Version: 3.00
This is a simple way to render nice buttons in Foswiki. It can be used to replace submit and reset buttons of html forms as well. FamFamFamContrib is recommended to display nice icons on buttons. Note, that this widget does not participate on the jquery theme roller. This is independent.
Parameter | Description | Default |
"text" | text to be put on this button | |
value | text to be put on this button | |
accesskey | access key used for this button | |
class | e.g. use simple for a non-3D button | |
data_... | add html5 data attributes | |
align | left, right, center | |
href | url of the click target | # |
for | will render a label pointing to an input element rather than a link | |
icon | icon to be put on the left; note, this can be any icon attached to the {IconSearchPath} ; see also VarJQICON | |
id | html id for this button | |
onclick | javascript event triggered when clicking the button | |
target | topic to open when clicking on the button | |
title | popup title displayed when hovering over the button | |
type | type of action to be performed; available actions are
| button |
You type:
%BUTTON{ "%MAKETEXT{"Submit"}%" icon="fa-check" onclick="confirm('Are your sure?')" }% %BUTTON{ "%MAKETEXT{"Cancel"}%" icon="fa-times" target="%WEB%.%TOPIC%" }%
You get:
OK Cancel Info Add Delete Globe
%BUTTON{"%TRANSLATE{"Upload a Document"}%" icon="fa-cloud-upload" for="file"}%
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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