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Renders an icon made availabe by the IconService.
Parameter | Description | Default |
"name" | name of the icon to display | |
class | additional css class for the img tag | |
animate | can be one of bounce, burst, flash, float, horizontal, passing, pulse, ring, shake, spin, tada, vertical, wrench | |
alt | alt attribute | |
title | title attribute | |
style | css style format to be added to the image element | |
format | format string used to render the icon; known variables to be used in the format string are:
| for image icons: <img src='$iconPath' class='$iconClass $iconName' $iconStyle $iconAlt$iconTitle/> ; for font icons: <i class='$iconClass' $iconStyle $iconTitle></i> |
Example for famfamfam icons:
%JQICON{"tick" alt="alternative content" title="this is a tick icon"}% %JQICON{"cross"}% %JQICON{"disk"}% %JQICON{"star"}% %JQICON{"lightbulb"}% %JQICON{"camera"}% %JQICON{"date"}% %JQICON{"heart" animate="bounce"}%
Example for font-awesome icons:
%JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:1em;color:#00BF00"}% %JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:2em;color:#0FAF0F"}% %JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:3em;color:#1F9C1F"}% %JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:4em;color:#2D812D"}% %JQICON{"fa-pagelines" style="font-size:5em;color:#315C31"}%
JQICONPATH, ICON, JQueryPlugin, JQueryFontAwesome, FamFamFamSilkIcons, IconService
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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