You are here: Foswiki>System Web>Category>UserDocumentationCategory>Macros>VarUSERNAME (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Foswiki makes names available in three formats: USERNAME like jsmith
, WIKINAME like JohnSmith
and WIKIUSERNAME like Main.JohnSmith
. Un-authenticated users are all WikiGuest.
This macro is an alias for the USERINFO macro with a fixed format="$username"
The login username is considered "protected" information by default and will not be revealed to non-admin users.
Parameter | Description | |
"name" | WikiName or login username. | current user |
expands to guest
expands to == When used in a template topic, this macro will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TemplateTopics#TemplateTopicsVars for details
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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