You are here: Foswiki>System Web>Category>UserDocumentationCategory>Macros>VarTAB (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Defines a tab inside a TABPANE area; must be closed using ENDTAB.
Parameter | Description | Default |
"text" | label of the tab | Tab |
before | when switching tabs, this is the javascript fragment to be executed just before the tab is displayed | |
after | this javascript handler is to be executed after the tab has been made visible | |
afterload | this javascript handler will be called when content loaded asynchronously (using the url parameter, below) has finished loading; depending on the network latency, this can be significantly later than execution of the after handler above | |
id | id of this tab; this id can be used in the TABPANEs select parameter to display this tab; this id is also added to the class attribute of the html element representing the tab button | |
url | link from where to load the content of the tab asynchronously when selecting this tab; the result of the addressed handler will replace the content area; if no url is set the content of the TAB ... ENDTAB area will be shown when the tab is selected | |
width | width of the tab area | auto |
height | height of the tab area | auto |
container | element where ajax content will be loaded; this is only used together with url |
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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