You are here: Foswiki>System Web>Category>UserDocumentationCategory>Macros>VarGROUPINFO (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Parameter | Description | Default |
"groupname" | Optional name of group | |
format | Format of a single user or group in the list.
| |
separator | separator between items in the list | , |
header | Header for the list | |
footer | Footer for the list | |
zeroresults | If set, and there are no Groups or Members that can be shown, the header and footer are suppressed, and this text is output | undefined |
show | filter the output list of Groups - can be set to all , allowschange , denychange , allowschange(UserWikiName) , denychange(UserWikiName) | all |
expand | Set false if users should not be expanded from nested groups. Default behavior is to expand all nested groups into a flat list of users. | 1 |
limit | If set, limits the number of results to this | ∞ |
limited | If limit is set, and the list is truncated, this text will be added at the end of the list |
Note: GROUPINFO will not list members that are hidden from the current authenticated user. If the current user does not have VIEW authority for a user's topic, then the user will not be shown as a group member.
expands to BaseGroup, AdminGroup, NobodyGroup
(comma-separated list of all groups) %GROUPINFO{AdminGroup"}%
expands to Main.AdminUser, SiteAdmin
(comma-separated list of users in the requested group) groupname
can optionally be qualified with the Main
prefix, any other web prefix will return an empty list. Edit | Attach | Print version | History: r1 | Backlinks | View wiki text | Edit wiki text | More topic actions
Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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