You are here: Foswiki>System Web>Category>UserDocumentationCategory>Macros>VarFORMAT (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Parameter | Description | Default |
"one, two, three" | The list to be expanded into the format. Required. Currently only two types of list data are supported; topic names (type="topic" ) and plain strings (type="string" ). | |
format | Format string; see Supported formatting tokens for possible values. | |
header | Text to come before the formatted output | |
footer | Text to come after the formatted output | |
separator | Separator between formatted elements | $n |
type | Treat input list as either topic or string | topic |
%FORMAT{"one,two,three" type="string" format=" * $item"}% %FORMAT{"%SKIN%" header="the Skin setting is evaluated in this order:" format=" 1 =$topic=" footer=" 1 =default=" }%
If type="topic"
(the default) the format string can contain any of the topic-specific format tokens specified in FormattedSearch ($web
, $topic
, $parent
, $text
, $locked
, $date
, $isodate
, $index
, $item
, $rev
, $username
, $wikiname
, $wikiusername
, $createdate
, $createusername
, $createwikiname
, $createwikiusername
, $summary
, $changes
, $formname
, $formfield
, $pattern
, $count
, $ntopics
, $nhits
, $pager
). In addition, the macro supports all the standard format tokens.
If type="string"
then the comma separated list is treated as a list of strings. In this case, the format tokens $index
and $item
will return the position of the item in the list (1-based), and the item itself, respectively. Note that a comma can be embedded in the data using the standard formatting token $comma
The FORMAT macro is currently only of use in formatting lists of topics, or of simple strings. It will be extended in future releases to add the capability to render other object types.
For more sophisticated handling of string lists, consider installing Foswiki:Extensions.FilterPlugin
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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