You are here: Foswiki>System Web>Category>AdminToolsCategory>UserForm>UserFormHelp (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Before changing this form, please read the guidelines at Customizing the User Form below.
If you want to change the user form, you would first want to make a copy of this form to the Main Web. That ensures your changes stay intact after a Foswiki update.
To create a custom user form, do this:
Your form changes will only be visible in a user topic after it has been saved.
Please keep the UserRegistration form and the user form definition in sync. When you update the user form you need to edit/save the System.NewUserTemplate (not recommended, see below). This ensures that the fields are in the right order.
If a new user registers, the new user page is prefilled with the contents of System.NewUserTemplate. That template also contains a user form, based on the form definition in System.UserForm.
If you use a custom user form, you ought to use a custom 'new user' template as well. This will make your changes safe to future Foswiki upgrades.
To create your custom new user template, do this:
Related topics: WikiUsers, NewUserTemplate, DataForms, UserRegistration
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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