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Foswiki is a development of the Foswiki community.
Foswiki is based on TWiki®, which was originally written by Peter Thoeny, who based his work on Jos Wiki and parts of Ward Cunningham's original Wiki. Over the years TWiki has been maintained, extended and rewritten by many TWiki contributors, whose names are included below. TWiki is a registered trademark of Peter Thoeny.
Foswiki is copyrighted as described in the file COPYRIGHT in the root of this distribution and is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as described in the file LICENSE accompanying this notice. The people listed below are identified as joint copyright owners.
A Foswiki author is one who has submitted new or modified files to the Foswiki distribution. This includes the following:
The following people are identified as authors of Foswiki:
As stated, Foswiki is based on TWiki. This document identifies the following people as authors of TWiki.
Note: Please contact us at if you contributed to Foswiki and your name is not on this list!
Disclaimer: Foswiki gets installed on many public web sites. The Foswiki contributors are not affiliated in any way with those sites.
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
Copyright © by the contributing authors. All material on this site is the property of the contributing authors.
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