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On this page:
internal package
Foswiki::Serialise API to allow structures to be serialised and de-serialized. This API will only return basic types like hashes and arrarys
serialise( $value, $style ) → $cereal $value
the perl object we're serializing (typically a ref/obj) $style
serialization format #I think to be reusable we catually have to throw..
deserialise( $text, $style, $into ) → $data $text
the data we are deserialising $style
serialization format $into
the perl object we're deserializing into. The serialiser is matched to this object type. Finishes all instantiated serialisers. There should only be at most one of each serialiser instantiated at any given time, so you normally wouldn't want to call this, except perhaps from the unit test framework; see Item11349.
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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