You are here: Foswiki>System Web>JQueryPlugin>JQueryTextboxList (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Author(s): Michael Daum
Version: 2.30
On this page:
Turns a text input into a list widget with autocompletion. This plugin adds a new formfield type textboxlist
to DataForms.
An html input field can be turned into a textboxlist widget either using javascript or using the jqTextboxList
css class.
Using javascript:
<input type="text" name="tags" /> <script> jQuery(function($) { $("input[name='tags']").textboxlist(options); }); </script>
Using css and HTML5 data:
<input type="text" name="tags" class="jqTextboxList" data-container-class="..." data-sorting="..." ... />
Name | Description | Default |
containerClass | css class of the widget container | jqTextboxListContainer |
listValueClass | css class of values in the list | jqTextboxListValue |
closeClass | css class of the close button of a list value | jqTextboxListClose |
enableClose | boolean flag toggling the display of a close button on a list value | true |
sorting | option to enable sorting of the list of values, can true , false or manual | manual |
inputName | name of the input element used for list values; equals to the name of the original input field if undefined | undefined |
resetControl | jquery selector to specify a reset button; will revert changes to the initial list of values | undefined |
clearControl | jquery selector to specify a clear button that will empty the textboxlist | undefined |
autocomplete | defines the source for tag suggestions displayed using a %SYSTEMWEB.JQueryUIAutocomplete widget; e.g. this can be an array or an url | undefined |
onClear | method called when the list is cleared | undefined |
onReset | method called when the list is resetted | undefined |
onSelect | method called when a value is selected | undefined |
onDeselect | method called when a value is removed from the list | undefined |
Instead of specifying callbacks using the onSelect
or onDeselect
options, custom events are emitted by the textboxlist widget that your own code can be bound to.
<input type="text" class="jqTextboxList" id="mylist" /> <script> jQuery(function($) { $("#mylist").bind("SelectValue", function(value) { ... }); }); </script>
Event | Parameters | Description |
SelectValue | value | triggered when a value is selected |
DeleteValue | value | triggered when a value is deselected |
Note, that you will need FilterPlugin to run the example successfully.
%STARTSECTION{"data"}%%FORMATLIST{ "admin, backup, bash, emulation, games, irc, linux, mercurial, patches, perl, php, python, site, surfing, tag, test, foswiki, web, wiki, windows, windsurfing, wine " split="\s*,\s*" header="[" format="{\"value\":\"$1\"} " footer="]" separator=",$n" include="\s*%URLPARAM{"term"}%.*" }%%ENDSECTION{"data"}%
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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