You are here: Foswiki>System Web>FamFamFamContrib>FamFamFamSilkGeoSilkIcons (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Mark James created a great set of 1,022 silky-smooth 16x16 true-colour icons in PNG format, aptly named Silk Icons.
The GeoSilk icon set is derived from the Silk icon set by Mark James, the Silk Companion set by Damien Guard, and the uDig icons made by Jody Garnett of Refractions Research. It aims to extend the Silk icon set to address the needs of geospatial software.
This work is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License by Damien Guard.
These Icons come from
See also: FamFamFamContrib, DocumentGraphics, FamFamFamSilkIcons, FamFamFamFlagIcons, FamFamFamMiniIcons, FamFamFamMintIcons, FamFamFamSilkGeoSilkIcons
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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