You are here: Foswiki>System Web>EditRowPluginExamples (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
%EDITTABLE{ format="| row, -1 | text, 20, init | select, 1, not started, starting, ongoing, completed | radio, 3,:-),:-I,:-( | date, 20 |" changerows="on" quietsave="on"}%
Nr | Project | State | Progress | Timestamp |
1 | Sliced yoghourt | completed | 26 Jun 2002 | |
2 | Cubical turkeys | not started | 27 Oct 2007 | |
3 | Self-eating burritos | ongoing | 1 Apr 2008 | |
4 | Unified field theory | completed | 1 Apr 2012 |
(used to create attachments: screenshot1.png, example5.png)
%EDITTABLE{ format="| label,12 | textarea, 3x30 |" }%
Model | Description |
345TG66 | Short, with sightly concave upper surface, and devilish nuts |
9A-11 | A new model for 2007, but not quite as pretty as the 9A-10 |
RR717-D | Solid performer, dependable in vacuum grinders |
(used to create attachment: example3.png)
%EDITTABLE{ format="| text,12 | textarea, 3x30 |" js="assumed"}%
Model | Description |
345TG66 | Short, with sightly concave upper surface, and devilish nuts |
9A-11 | A new model for 2007, but not quite as pretty as the 9A-10 |
RR717-D | Solid performer, dependable in vacuum grinders |
(used to create attachment: screenshot2,png)
%EDITTABLE{ format="| text,100 | text,100 |" orientrowedit="vertical" headerislabel="on"}%
Line | Explanation |
He took his vorpal sword in hand | A vorpal sword is made from broken bits of Commodore 64 disk-drives |
Long time the manxome foe he sought | manxome: possibly from 'manky'; or from the Isle of Man |
So rested he by the Tumtum tree, | Tumtum is a Nilo-Saharan language and people |
And stood awhile in thought | thought a process not often employed by example writers |
(used to create attachment: example4.png)
%EDITTABLE{ format="| label | text, 40 |" header="|*Key*|*Value*|" }%
Name: | John Smith |
Gender: | M %EDITCELL{select, 1, , F, M}% |
DOB: | 18 October 2007 %EDITCELL{date, 10}% |
City: | New York |
(used to create attachment: example5.png)
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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