You are here: Foswiki>System Web>Category>AdminDocumentationCategory>AdminSkillsAssumptions (2024-12-23, UnknownUser)Edit Attach
Several skills (i.e. knowing how to do something) are needed to set up and maintain a Foswiki installation. Remember that several layers of technology are used for delivering one web page: Operating system, web server, CGI (or Fast CGI), internal Foswiki functions, templates, jQuery, HTML, etc, so general web computing knowledge is needed for Foswiki administration. The most important are the following:
command Knowing HTML and web design are insufficient to install Foswiki. Unless you learn the above skills or team up with someone who can handle the installation, please consider the other solutions, listed below.
If you don't know all of these administration skills, the Foswiki team provides a ready to use installation of Foswiki in a Virtual Machine (VM). Basically, this can be installed on Windows or Linux, and makes it possible to get a working Foswiki system within 5 minutes (after a fairly big download). See Foswiki:Download.OtherFoswikiInstallers for downloading the VM. This VM works well for personal installations, or for testing, but is not recommended for production environments.
If you don't know all of these skills, you can learn it! The Internet provides many sources of information about all these skills
There are many excellent resources for learning how to administer your OS and web server, including books, web sites, web forums, IM and e-mail lists. The Foswiki:Support web should not be depended on as a resource for this purpose - in other words, it is not there to answer basic questions about operating system and web server administration. Asking and answering questions is time consuming for all concerned and is best used for specific Foswiki related issues, rather than helping you learn the OS and web server.
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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