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internal package
Foswiki::Engine::FastCGI Class that implements FastCGI execution mode.
Refer to Foswiki::Engine documentation for explanation about methos below.
limits the number of requests one backend process is allowed to serve before it will terminate and respawn a substitute. This can be used to fight back memory leaks in the application where the processes memory consumption grows over time. Default is 100 requests. Lower this limit when processes tend to grow too fast over time exceeding your server's memory capacities. A negative value disables this heuristics. Reasonable values are roughly 10 or 20 depending on the profile of additional plugins and libraries.
Note also, that mod_fcgid has got similar configuration parameters. Alas, this project is abandoned at the time of this writing. mod_fastcgi on the other hand is missing this option, as far as I can say.
The actual value of MaxRequest
also depends on the maximum number of parallel threads and fcgi backend processes that are allowed to be spawned by the web server.
detach() Daemonize process. Currently not portable...
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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-12-23, UnknownUser
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